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التعليم الأساسي و الثانوي خاص بالمستندات التعليمية لأقسام التعليم الأساسي و الثانوي و الباكالوريا

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2012-09-20, 18:41 رقم المشاركة : 25

Rules رد: Say it in English

Ok my friend
But the discussion must be in English
and our teacher Youssef
will see if it is false

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2012-09-22, 21:09 رقم المشاركة : 26

افتراضي رد: Say it in English

Friendship isn’t about who came first and who you’ve known the longest, it’s about who came and never left

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2012-09-22, 22:40 رقم المشاركة : 27

Icon14 رد: Say it in English

Hey guys
Hello my friends

Friendship is not being with his friends when they are right
it is to be with them even when they are wrong

André Malraux

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2012-09-23, 00:08 رقم المشاركة : 28

افتراضي رد: Say it in English

He who wishes to reach the top, must suffer the stings of bees

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2012-09-23, 00:29 رقم المشاركة : 29

افتراضي رد: Say it in English

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة youssef81151 مشاهدة المشاركة
Hey guys
Hello my friends

Friendship is not being with his friends when they are right
it is to be with them even when they are wrong

André Malraux

Dunno who said that but thx for the information

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2012-09-23, 01:48 رقم المشاركة : 30

Icon14 رد: Say it in English

Hello my friend
thank you
the quote is translated from French

L'amitié, ce n'est pas d'être avec ses amis quand ils ont raison, c'est d'être avec eux même quand ils ont tort
de André Malraux

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2012-09-23, 11:38 رقم المشاركة : 31

افتراضي رد: Say it in English

Good morning dear friends; brothers and sisters


I hope you r great ...

let's see what happened on my absence , that's really encouraging hhahahaha

I will be cute forever lool

Uncle Youssef et Douzi thank you both for discussing the meaning of the word cute

cute means :لطيف *حبوب

For my brother Wissem don't worry i am different hhhhhhhhhhhhh I will not say a lot of difficult things

great translation for "com on it s easy", you r not bad ..

just try to love it .

My brother Posta7il always here for shining up my threads I am so grateful my dear :))

welcome you all my best team:))

Have a great day .

just am still wandering what's the problem on "cute" I did not really understand your point of view but look :

CUTE: has the meaning of "mignion" yes but mignion does not mean just handsome or beautiful ...it has too the meaning of kind ,lovely,...

Note that a word meaning can follow the sense of the sentence, i.e it doesn't take the meaning of dictionary 100/100

take care

c u soon

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2012-09-24, 21:51 رقم المشاركة : 32

افتراضي رد: Say it in English

Good evening sweet team :))

hope u r doing well and u r trying to follow me .

Please try not to be shy you can ask me any question .


Ok today I have a different Idea about translation:))

I want you to write me a paragraph in English about the "Eid".

happy to receive your writings

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2012-09-27, 15:29 رقم المشاركة : 33

Rules رد: Say it in English


how are you sweet friends?

I can see that most of you hate english ..! why ?

English loves you :))just try to love it :))

no paragraph about the "Eid" ok let's try something else .

here a very small poem"an extract", show me your

translations, please

don't let me down

take my hand take hand yeah take my hand

follow me follow me yeah let's go

to the sand to the sand the purest sand

into the sea into the sea yeah let's go


Leaving reason far behind

Nothing here is cruel or kind

Only your desire to set me free

Let us lie here all alone

Worn away like river stone

Let us be the sirens of the sea


See you soon

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2012-09-27, 16:13 رقم المشاركة : 34

افتراضي رد: Say it in English

Yousous hey , thanks , all right , and u ? hope u r doing well too.
I'm sorry , i'm absolutely busy , u know why :( !!
Every morning , I go to school , well that's normal , but the most of professors are absents :( even we don't have a manager ! so everyone comes as he likes !!speacily english professors :(
That's really Regrettable ! and sure ! that wasn't after our beautiful revolution .
Hope all became fine
so u wanna a paragraph about Eid .
Ok no problem , I'm trying to make a good one for u :))

I think that our eid is something great . Because , First , we go to Mosque and find a lot of people , u really feel islam !! yeah when u look to this big number of persons come to the eid Prayer and to listen to Imam sermon . Second , the important thing is when u finish and hug friends , sometimes some people u don't know came to hug u , !!<3, then going back home and hug ur Lovely mother and father ^^ that's really awesome , that makes u fill something like magic ^^ i like that . Moreover , at evening we visit our grand mother , we find all uncles , all cousins , all the family there , well hhhh that's awkward moment when u came the last and u should hug and kiss every one in the same time hhhh but that's good , that's eid . Sometimes , we go out with friends to play with ' fouchik ' well that become scary for others hhhh
.Finaly , when i open my Pc and visit jawhara , that amazing moment when u find a special topic for eid ^^ sometimes u find Mp , ohh i miss that so much .
Well , yousous i'm so tired , but i'm happy , thank u , u don't know why ? hhh because u makes me remerber my best moments ^^

Love u brothers , really , best greetings
yousous i'm sorry , there is of lot of wrong phrases hhh


آخر تعديل WESSO.018 2012-09-27 في 16:18.
  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2012-09-27, 16:33 رقم المشاركة : 35

افتراضي رد: Say it in English

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة WESSO.018 مشاهدة المشاركة
Yousous hey , thanks , all right , and u ? hope u r doing well too.
I'm sorry , i'm absolutely busy , u know why :( !!
Every morning , I go to school , well that's normal , but the most of professors are absents :( even we don't have a manager ! so everyone comes as he likes !!speacily english professors :(
That's really Regrettable ! and sure ! that wasn't after our beautiful revolution .
Hope all became fine
so u wanna a paragraph about Eid .
Ok no problem , I'm trying to make a good one for u :))

I think that our eid is something great . Because , First , we go to Mosque and find a lot of people , u really feel islam !! yeah when u look to this big number of persons come to the eid Prayer and to listen to Imam sermon . Second , the important thing is when u finish and hug friends , sometimes some people u don't know came to hug u , !!<3, then going back home and hug ur Lovely mother and father ^^ that's really awesome , that makes u fill something like magic ^^ i like that . Moreover , at evening we visit our grand mother , we find all uncles , all cousins , all the family there , well hhhh that's awkward moment when u came the last and u should hug and kiss every one in the same time hhhh but that's good , that's eid . Sometimes , we go out with friends to play with ' fouchik ' well that become scary for others hhhh
.Finaly , when i open my Pc and visit jawhara , that amazing moment when u find a special topic for eid ^^ sometimes u find Mp , ohh i miss that so much .
Well , yousous i'm so tired , but i'm happy , thank u , u don't know why ? hhh because u makes me remerber my best moments ^^

Love u brothers , really , best greetings
yousous i'm sorry , there is of lot of wrong phrases hhh

Really awesome my dear .......amazing , i can feel your fingers on the keyboards you were really fast hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but I am so grateful you make me laugh; you are writing fun my dear .

Now seriously , Good ideas just need some order and perfect coordination, some mistakes but no problem we are not sitting for an exam :)), I like it thank you my dear brother .
Honestly If I were your teacher , I would have given you 5.5/8.

I am ok al-hamdulilleh thank you .
If you have not an English teacher yet , I am ready to be there hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh anytime hhhhhhhhhhhhhh:))

thank you

Take care

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2012-09-27, 16:52 رقم المشاركة : 36

افتراضي رد: Say it in English

Hhhhh , thank you ,, i really appreciate that .
Well I hope my teacher will be funny as u , and of course a real teacher .
The one who teach me since my 1st year at my current school , was so boring , someone who speak a lot , ah yes with girls , the problem he was 60 hhhh , no problem , but I didn't learn nothing new , no good expressions :( not only me , but also my friends who are better in english said that too !
Well , hope the administration choised a good one for us like you hhhh
the important is, not always studying , I mean some jokes from time to time , make something exclusive I Don't know but that's his business

Ok , now , yousyous , U must make others participate too
Ah yes , thanks for the mark , true !, Usually I take from 5 to 7 , but not 8hhh


آخر تعديل JASON 2013-01-10 في 22:27.
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